One to One Programmes

How our Programme works:

We start with a 30 minute initial consultation. This consultation is so we can look at how you would like to move forwards and what your goals are, so that we can formulate your bespoke training plan, which is designed to set you and your dog up for training success. This is then used as the framework for your sessions. 

We feel that both yourself and your dog learn best in an environment they are used to and most comfortable in. This allows you to practice your training and skills and get real time help,  when and where you need it the most.

Open to puppies up to the age of 6 months, our programmes are tailored to your individual needs and requirements.

Once you have completed the initial training package, you have the option to add on additional sessions, with no obligation to block book.

What we will work on:

Preparing for your puppy coming home to get your house puppy proof and skill yourself up ready for their arrival!

Stopping puppy biting.

Creating a routine to set you up for success.

Enrichment games to help reduce anxiety and build confidence.

 Home sessions for puppies waiting to finish their vaccination course, so that you can start your training early and are set up and ready for when they can take their first steps outdoors.

How to start lead or harness training and get your loose lead walking perfected.

Recall games to get them coming back to you every time.

Whistle training and how to teach it.

Crate training.

Settle in busy environments.

Teaching your dog to listen and to automatically check in.

How to use rewards and games to achieve a solid behaviour.

Making staying close to you rewarding.

How the Programme works

Our in depth and bespoke programmes last for 12 weeks. The first 5 are weekly, with the final follow up session at week 12. With weekly Whatsapp support available throughout your programme.

How a typical programme works:

Week One: House training, puppy proofing, recall, crate training, socialisition

Week Two: Recap, recall, teething tricks, sit/down, settle, coat care, nail trimming

Week Three: Recap, loose lead walking, recall, sit/down, settle in public, socialisation

Week Four: Recap, loose lead walking, settle, door manners, food manners, socialisation

Week Five: Recap, loose lead walking, recall in busier places, stay/wait, retrieve

Week Six: Recap, problem solving, training continuation plan

Small black and tan puppy loose lead walking next to owner on a red lead